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This version was saved 12 years, 6 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Joanna
on March 24, 2012 at 8:58:51 pm


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Photo Guidelines



Photos of pocket design styles should be a photograph of the back right pocket. If the back right pocket photo does not fully cover the uniqueness of the pocket stitching, it is OK to increase the scope.



There should not be anything superfluous in the background of the photograph. The photograph should contain only a picture of the subject, with a minimalist background.


No visual effects

The photo should be a clean photograph with no visible effects on it.



Photos should be of high quality but still have concern for the page load times.



Do not use any photos, files, or other text that have copyrights or that otherwise make it illegal to post that information freely.




If you did not take the photo you are using, then please add the source hyperlinked at the bottom.  

Example of source added to a JPP page









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